Saturday, August 22, 2009

volunteers in my garden

There are so many  new flowers in my yard this summer. I don't know where they've come from. I don't even know some of their names. But they are welcome and I hope they'll stay.
I counted all the flowers that have bloomed or blooming now. Columbine( volunteer and done blooming) white impatiens, red begonias, three kinds of morning glory, unidentified flower bush, balsam, cosmos, cleomes, day lilies, daisies, ajuga( interloper) purple cone flowers,marigold, coleus, astilbe, hostas, several kinds of petunias, glads, datura, coral bells, sedom( turning reddish)rudebeckia (guest from somewhere), jasmine, spider plant with white flowers,bush clematis, ( blooming like crazy) bleeding hearts( done blooming) hydrangea, hibuscus( in full glory now) Asiatic, tiger and stargazer lilies( all done blooming) Belaperone ( gorgeous and beloved of the humming birds) more impatiens, salvia, coleus,phlox, unknown cup shaped yellow flower, coreopsis, sun flowers, iris( done blooming)very aggressive purple flowers, digitalis, thisles and hollyhocks 
The bushes, lilac, mock orange, viburnum and honeysuckle and barberry.
Plumeria and Brugmansia don't seem to be in the mood for blooming this year. They are sulking because I trimmed them. May be it wasn't a good idea.