Sunday, September 24, 2017


I am amazed. The novel is finally finally finally completed. No cutting out, no additions. How many times I wrote the last part but then it came together. It rounded up and the name Alpa Viram became relevant.
Before beginning the next project, I am relaxing, cleaning up the cobwebs, cooking the vegetables from the garden. 
Sorting the papers I came across a critique written by Rajni Gupta. Is she the same as Rajni Gupt? I wondered. So I read it again. It seems that the writer and the critic are on two parallel tangents. I am telling a story the way I want, it is my story, my characters, my point of view. The critic views it from her own lens.She looks for the new experiments in technique and the architectural details. She finds characters morally questionable.
That got me thinking about my new novel. Unlike the contemporary style of professorial Hindi, my Hindi is simple, expressive and effective. I say whatever I want say in direct unornamental style.
My characters are individual, living in the modern world they have their own definition of morality, where the dictates of heart weigh more than the conventions.
I feel that the readers and critics don.t get it.
Long time ago I was invited for a reading had just come out. After the readingI spoke about my intentions. Upon return Nirmala Jain commented, there is such a divide between what the writer intends and what the critic sees.
I was quiet, what to say.


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